Elite athletes may apply to participate in “Pieniny Ultra-Trail” on preferential terms, in accordance with the following rules.
Free participation on any distance:
- Winner of any distance from the last edition,
- Men runners with ITRA ranking at a level higher or equal to 825 points,
- Female runners with ITRA ranking at a level higher or equal to 700 points.
Participation in the event with a fee of 50% of the standard entrance fee over a selected distance:
- Men and female runners from places II or III of any distance from the last edition.
Participation on any distance with the lowest entry fee for this particular course, but without having to register on time:
- Men runners with ITRA ranking at a level higher or equal to 750 points,
- Female runners with ITRA ranking at a level higher or equal to 625 points,
- Men and female runners not classified in the ITRA ranking, but with good running results in the last 3 years.
An athlete wishing to take advantage of the preferential conditions for participation in our event should first register his account on the website: www.zapisy.strefaprzygod.pl or check the correctness of existing data, register to the chosen course and then write an e-mail to the following address: info@pieninyultratrail.pl to confirm the terms of a discount.
Participation on any distance is possible ONLY when we have free spots in organizer’s additional pool.